Countermeasure Security Services

Electronic Surveillance Countermeasures:

APS Agents may perform electronic sweeps to determine the presence of or susceptibility to electronic surveillance through a myriad of eavesdropping devices.

Such items may include "bugs", telephone or wiretaps, concealed videotaping or photo-imaging systems or technological espionage programs. Agents are skillfully trained to identify, remove or disengage all suspect items.

APS also is available to partner with law enforcement officials and legal representatives in the prosecution of criminal and civil cases involving security infringement violations.

Explosive/Incendiary Device and Biohazard Countermeasures:

APS Agents receive specialized training in performing explosive and incendiary device and biohazard sweeps and identification. Agents are available to conduct private residence or business inspections ranging from broad-spectrum sweeps to room-to-room searches, as well as vehicular (automobile, watercraft, aircraft) searches, and event site

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